Please call us! 888-545-9663

ABOUT Old Wood
Old Wood has deep roots in scientific and sustainable forestry, stemming from two catastrophic wildfires on the family ranch and tree farm near Santa Fe, New Mexico. How, why, and with whom we do business is extremely important to us. Our wood comes from truly sustainable forestry operations, and by buying this wood you are helping to support tribal, village, and remote rural jobs in America.
Old Wood cares very much where our logs come from and how they are harvested. Our goal is to enable local communities to manage their forests, mountains and landscapes, and to help them realize profit and benefit so that they will not have to destroy the natural resources in their back yard.

Old Wood is a national level firewood producer based in Las Vegas, New Mexico. Our 27,000 square foot indoor production area allows us to produce high-quality firewood bundles, bags, and pallets year-round. Our on-site USDA certified heat treating and drying facilities mean that our firewood is not only dry and easy to light, but that it is also free of bugs and totally legal to transport and export worldwide.
Our modern processors cut and split our firewood on concrete, which means that it is much cleaner than wood from the competition.
The Old family has been in the wood business in New Mexico for generations, and our unique position in the middle of Piñon and Juniper country makes us a dominant force in the aromatic firewood industry. Though we specialize in aromatic firewood like Piñon and Juniper, we also provide Oak, Mesquite, Aspen, Spruce, Douglas fir, and Ponderosa Pine.
About David Old
David is the President, CEO, and Chief Workhorse at Old Wood, and he has had a past as interesting as his personality. An airline transport pilot, seaplane instructor, commercial helicopter, and hot air balloon pilot, he left a successful career in aircraft sales and operations to “return to his roots” on the mountain.
He bought his first sawmill at 25 years of age, right about the time he was racing Formula 1 motorcycles for a living in Europe and Japan, where he won 10th overall in the Camel Pro USA Series and competed three times in the Japanese Suzuka 8 Hours World Endurance Championship and F1 at Sugo. David is an avid writer, and has published books on Japan and Complete Idiots Guides, along with a number of novels that remain unpublished in the nightstand drawer.
Though he is the entrepreneurial spirit behind Old Wood and has founded a number of successful companies in the past, David has “earned his keep” in the woods and can fell big timber, operate a skidder, and run a sawmill with the best of them. He still gets his exercise carrying 30-pound chainsaws at altitude ahead of the young guns.
A natural linguist, David attended Fort Lewis College, the College of Santa Fe and Berlitz Language Institute in Tokyo and completed an Asian Studies program at Kansai Gaikoku Gaidai in Osaka, Japan. He is married to a wonderful, tolerant woman and is the proud father of 4 kids.

About SHILOH Old
VP, International Operations
Shiloh is the second generation of Old’s to make a living in and with the woods. A native Santa Fean, he studied international business and foreign languages in China and Japan before graduating with degree in International Business from a top-tier American university.
As Vice President of Old Wood, Shiloh’s responsibilities within the company are broad, and include daily operations and plant management as well as sales and marketing. His knowledge of manufacturing systems, combined with skills in international business, have helped Shiloh become an integral part of the Old Wood team.
A US and European licensed airplane and paraglider pilot, Shiloh spends much of his free time flying in the Southwest. Downtime in the summers are spent backpacking in the Rockies, and he is an experienced backcountry skier in the winter. His rescued Copper travels with him on most of his adventures.

About MIKA Old
With degrees in International Business and Marketing from Texas Tech University, Rawls College of Business, Director of Marketing and Sales, Mika Old, manages and provides support to several facets of Old Wood’s business operations. Mika’s contributions to Old Wood vary but include web development, international and domestic trade show activities, project design and scheduling , to logistics.
When she is not spreading the word about Old Wood’s many products and projects, she puts her experience in emergency medicine to use helping the community. She has worked medical on tv and movie sets, and with the Viveash volunteer fire crew. Mika has also spent time in central and southern Africa teaching young women entrepreneurial and business development skills and working in neonatal clinics.
Mika has received 40 Under 40 awards for both the National Wood Flooring Association and the Wood Industry and most recently, from the Santa Fe Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
When she isn’t working at Old Wood, you can find Mika on the family ranch with her husband and their dog Tilly.

Old Wood is fortunate to have a team that is passionate about what they do. We’re small enough to know everybody’s name and family, but big enough to get any sized job done on schedule. Most of our team is made up of locals who were raised in and around the woods. They’ve been going out into the “monte” and cutting firewood with their families since they were kids.
Whether in sales or production, our staff are experts at what they do. All of our employees go through extensive training in lean manufacturing and quality control. Weekly “safety and process” meetings are required, and give us a good chance to talk about quality and efficiency issues. Our office staff is all trained on the production floor so that they can better answer customer’s questions and understand how we make firewood and flooring the way we do.
Our company is blessed to have good partners and collaborators who work with us and help keep us on track. Regular involvement with foresters, economists, ecologists and tribal leaders keep us well rounded and focused where we need to be.